Una especie humana desconocida pudo habitar China durante el Pleistoceno

Fósiles dentales de Xujiayao. / CENIEH.

Científicos españoles y chinos publican en la revista American Journal of Physical Anthropology un estudio sobre dientes fósiles hallados en el yacimiento de Xujiayao (China), que revela la existencia de una población humana “desconocida».

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Biological anthropology of the human skeleton de Katzenber, A. Saunders, Sh. (Eds.)

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 The preface to the first edition sets out the goals we hoped to accomplish by preparing the volume titled, Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton. In this second edition we endeavor to maintain those goals, to update recent developments in skeletal studies and particularly, to emphasize information that provides the reader with a basic understanding of the various techniques and methods of investigating bones and teeth. Many chapters include examples, set off from the main body of the text, that illustrate or offer more detail about the particular analysis under consideration. We also provide six new chapters on topics not covered in the previous edition. These topics include taphonomic factors affecting burial assemblages, nonmetric traits of the skeleton and dentition, trauma, osteoporosis, and new developments in morphometric analysis. It is our hope that the book will be used in upper level undergraduate and graduate courses in human skeletal studies (e.g., advanced human osteology) as well as by interested professionals seeking a better understanding of advanced methods in osteological research. The chapters should provide an entry point into a particular specialty, with background information as well as practical guidelines, applications, and critical reviews of research approaches, including a wealth of selected references for additional reading. Seguir leyendo «Biological anthropology of the human skeleton de Katzenber, A. Saunders, Sh. (Eds.)»